
  • Name
  • Roll No
  • Branch
  • Home Place
  • Deepak Silaych
  • 22B0660
  • Civil Department
  • Pilani

Professional & Research Experience

  • Mumbai Flood Forecasting | Prof Shubimal Ghosh
  • Inter Department Program of Climate Studies
  • Team of 12+ Individuals from various Department working under the IDP of Climate Studies on model to Predict Water Flooding in Mumbai based on data from multiple resources such as crowdsourcing and Twitter Analysis
  • Developed a Crowd-Sourcing API allowing the contribution of manual data inputs, enhancing the model’s database with valuable real-time information, fostering improved accuracy and adaptability in the model’s prediction
  • Planning to develop an Android Application and the integration of crowd-Sourcing API to enhance accessibility
  • Surface Crack Detection | Prof Najeeb Shariff Mohammad
  • Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
  • Doing research on developing a machine learning-based system for detecting cracks through real-time video analysis
  • Employed CNN to identify cracks and applied image enhancement methods like Gaussian blur & Sobel edge detection
  • Currently working on a model to extract crack data on small-scale frames to enhance accuracy on the original frame
  • Planning to integrate the finished model with an RC drone to reduce survey time duration and better accessibility
  • Web Developer Intern | Healthka, An Ambulance and medicine delivery Startup
  • Contributed to the modification of the admin dashboard, implementing new features such as search sorting the data
  • Played a key role in integrating APIs, ensuring seamless communication between different components of the system.
  • Revamped the main website, transitioning from a static layout to a dynamic and responsive platform built on React JS

Key Projects

  • Real-Time Sign Language Recognizer
  • Implemented machine learning model using TensorFlow and Keras to develop a sign language recognition system
  • Implemented a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model trained on a diverse sign language gestures dataset
  • Applied OpenCV to integrate webcam input, optimizing data preprocessing for enhanced real-time performance
  • Utilized MediaPipe for real-time hand tracking and pose estimation, enabling hand detection and gesture recognition
  • ITC Certificate Portal
  • Engineered a certificate portal utilizing React and Django, managing certificates for multiple projects and events
  • Integrated Single Sign-On authentication, bolstering access security and user-specific environment for convenience
  • Designed and implemented a roll number search feature, seamlessly integrated with a CSV database for data extraction
  • Employed Python libraries within the Django server for the automated and dynamic generation of certificates
  • Security Office Website
  • Developed a Bootstrap website for the security office of IITB, providing accessibility of security-related information to the institute
  • Deployed the website on the GitHub Server to facilitate demos and incorporate valuable feedback
  • Mountain Cargo Bot
  • Developed an autonomous line follower robot as a curriculum project, showcasing expertise in mechanical design using Fusion 360, circuit development with Arduino coding, and fabrication using Laser CAD and a Fact3D printer
  • Designed a Fusion 360 mechanical body with a 4-wheel design, ensuring stability during 30-degree climbing and turning
  • Integrated infrared sensors with the Arduino code to enable real-time line detection and autonomous path-following
  • Disease Diagnosis
  • Developed a predictive model for diagnosing 5 distinct medical diseases using the Random Forest Classification algorithm
  • Achieved an average accuracy of 93% by implementing a random forest classification model with 20 estimators
  • Conducted thorough data preprocessing and feature engineering to enhance model performance

Technical Skills

  • Languages & Skills: Python, Dart*, C++, JavaScript
  • Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, Typescript, Bootstrap, Angular, ReactJS, Django
  • Softwares: Microsoft Office, Fusion 360, Laser CAD, Arduino, Matlab, LATEX
  • Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Keras*, scikit-learn*, Matplotlib, Tensorflow*, Tkinter
  • Miscellaneous Tools: Git, Github, Flutter* (*under-process of learning)

Positions of Responsibility

  • Web Convener | Institute Technical Council
  • Part of a 5-member team responsible for developing and maintaining websites and Portals for ITC’s clubs and teams
  • Developed a comprehensive Technical General Championship Portal, serving as a centralized platform for accessing scorecards, hostel performances, GC timelines, and other essential details related to the Tech GCs
  • Undertook the responsibility to develop the whole website for Tech & RnD Expo, an ITC annual Flagship event
  • Represented the Web Team in front of 700+ freshers in the ITC Freshmen Orientation program, explaining our roles
  • Department Web Secretary | Civil Engineering Associations
  • Part of an 18-membered department council responsible for catering to 900+ students with a budget of 0.5 million INR
  • Successfully ideated and organized many events such as Cult Night, Department trip, Fresher Orientation, SOC
  • Responsible for the development and maintenance of CEA Website built on Angular used as CEA web presence
  • Coordinator | Techfest - Asia’s Largest Science and Technology Festival
  • Worked with a team of 20+ members to develop the Techfest Website, which will host up to 70k unique users
  • Assisted in the development of a complex registration system developed on Django used for all competitions and workshops
  • Developed the Administrative Dashboard for streamlining data organization and extraction processes by admins

Contact Details

  • Contact No
  • E-Mail
  • IITB Mail
  • 9001352750
  • deepaksilaych@gmail.com
  • 22b0660@iitb.ac.in